Forest Fires in Brazil

Number of forest fires reported in Brazil divided by states

Luís Gustavo Modelli - Kaggle updated 6 months ago


business, sensitive subjects, agriculture and forestry, fire and security services


Forest fires are a serious problem for the preservation of the Tropical Forests. Understanding the frequency of forest fires in a time series can help to take action to prevent them. Brazil has the largest rainforest on the planet that is the Amazon rainforest.


This dataset report of the number of forest fires in Brazil divided by states. The series comprises the period of approximately 20 years (1998 to 2017). The data were obtained from the official website of the Brazilian government.


We thank the brazilian system of forest information


With this data, it is possible to assess the evolution of fires over the years as well as the regions where they were concentrated. The legal Amazon comprises the states of Acre, Amapá, Pará, Amazonas, Rondonia, Roraima, and part of Mato Grosso, Tocantins, and Maranhão. Data (255 KB) Data Sources amazon.csv 5 columns


  • year
    • Year when Forest Fires happen
  • state
    • Brazilian State
      • It turned out during the editing of the data that there are 3 state names starting with 'Rio': Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, and Rio de Janeiro...
      • As this dataset only mentions 'Rio', I'll assume that it concerns combined data of Rio Grande do Sul and Rio Grande do Norte.
  • month
    • Month when Forest Fires happen
  • number
    • Number of Forest Fires reported
  • date
    • Date when Forest Fires where reported


  • This data consists of the number of forest fires that were "reported".
    • perhaps data not retrieved from satellite images
  • The number of heat spots that were detected by satellites above Brazil is higher than the forest fires numbers.
    • A heat spot indicates the existence of a fire in an element of image resolution (pixel) that varies from 1 km x1 km up to 5 km x 4 km.
    • Moreover, if the fire is too large, it may light other pixels, meaning that several heat spots will indicate one large fire.

The watermark extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext watermark
pandas 1.0.3
numpy 1.18.4
datetime unknown
matplotlib 3.2.1
pandas_datareader 0.8.1
geopandas 0.7.0
jupyterlab 2.1.2
seaborn 0.10.0
plotly 4.7.0
bokeh 2.0.1

the dataset has only data set by year, but there is an extra month column provided...

year state
1998-01-01 Acre 730.000
Alagoas 86.000
Amapa 278.000
Amazonas 946.000
Bahia 1224.687
... ... ...
2017-01-01 Roraima 1101.000
Santa Catarina 2354.000
Sao Paulo 2540.868
Sergipe 75.000
Tocantins 1378.959

460 rows × 1 columns

A beautifully colored graph, though not very insightful.

The number of forest fires for all the states added together

It appears that the numbers have been split up into monthly data over the period 1998 - 2017.

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x2a1eaa26220>
month number days
Acre 1548 18464.030 3585
Alagoas 1549 4644.000 3600
Amapa 1548 21831.576 3585
Amazonas 1548 30650.129 3585
Bahia 1548 44746.226 3585

The number of forest fires for each state over the period 1998 - 2017.

Converting month to decimal number, so we can compare the impact of a particular month statewise.


extracting the state names for retrieving the local latitude and longitude info

year state month number year.1 days
1998-01-15 1998-01-01 Acre 1 0.0 1998 15
1999-01-15 1999-01-01 Acre 1 0.0 1999 15
2000-01-15 2000-01-01 Acre 1 0.0 2000 15
2001-01-15 2001-01-01 Acre 1 0.0 2001 15
2002-01-15 2002-01-01 Acre 1 0.0 2002 15
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2012-12-15 2012-01-01 Acre 12 1.0 2012 15
2013-12-15 2013-01-01 Acre 12 3.0 2013 15
2014-12-15 2014-01-01 Acre 12 6.0 2014 15
2015-12-15 2015-01-01 Acre 12 8.0 2015 15
2016-12-15 2016-01-01 Acre 12 6.0 2016 15

239 rows × 6 columns

The number of forest fires for the state Acre over the period 1998 - 2017

The number of forest fires for the state Mato Grosso over the period 1998 - 2017

The states Mato Grosso, Paraiba, and Rio need a groupby operation to sum up their monthly numbers.

Build a new dataframe with the states as columns

No need for adding all columns, only the "number" columns have to be "inner" joined on the MatoGrosso index ...

state_x month_x number_x days_x state_y month_y number_y days_y state_x month_x ... number_x days_x state_y month_y number_y days_y state month number days
1998-01-15 Mato Grosso 1 0.0 15 Acre 1 0.0 15 Alagoas 1 ... 0.0 15 Sergipe 1 0.0 15 Tocantins 1 0.0 15
1998-01-15 Mato Grosso 1 0.0 15 Acre 1 0.0 15 Alagoas 1 ... 0.0 15 Sergipe 1 0.0 15 Tocantins 1 0.0 15
1998-01-15 Mato Grosso 1 0.0 15 Acre 1 0.0 15 Alagoas 1 ... 0.0 15 Sergipe 1 0.0 15 Tocantins 1 0.0 15
1998-01-15 Mato Grosso 1 0.0 15 Acre 1 0.0 15 Alagoas 1 ... 0.0 15 Sergipe 1 0.0 15 Tocantins 1 0.0 15
1998-01-15 Mato Grosso 1 0.0 15 Acre 1 0.0 15 Alagoas 1 ... 0.0 15 Sergipe 1 0.0 15 Tocantins 1 0.0 15

5 rows × 92 columns


MatoGrosso Acre Alagoas Amapa Amazonas Bahia Ceara DistritoFederal EspiritoSanto Goias ... Paraiba Pernambuco Piau Rio Rondonia Roraima SantaCatarina SaoPaulo Sergipe Tocantins
count 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 ... 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000 2880.000000
mean 202.256308 76.933458 19.350000 90.973233 127.979704 187.084275 127.162763 14.841667 27.329167 157.285500 ... 109.403996 102.291667 157.869779 62.822035 84.705954 102.054475 101.691050 213.121658 13.616667 140.703688
std 250.169913 182.306607 26.682386 190.892923 223.876547 206.794877 222.580304 29.577080 39.533279 220.466912 ... 176.110120 155.232214 244.999548 113.866909 172.921999 148.170911 174.395585 240.009746 22.785778 229.130675
min 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 5.961750 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 4.024750 8.736500 2.033750 0.000000 4.750000 12.750000 ... 6.000000 5.000000 3.365000 6.000000 3.056000 4.000000 14.000000 52.000000 0.000000 3.372500
50% 100.000000 2.181500 10.000000 2.000000 23.500000 140.500000 16.000000 2.000000 13.000000 59.500000 ... 46.000000 27.000000 35.000000 24.000000 11.500000 37.000000 34.000000 103.500000 3.000000 30.500000
75% 306.750000 34.000000 29.000000 68.500000 125.500000 259.000000 143.250000 17.250000 35.500000 186.750000 ... 125.000000 157.250000 196.750000 70.000000 71.750000 136.500000 79.000000 289.500000 18.250000 146.250000
max 979.000000 960.000000 162.000000 969.000000 998.000000 995.000000 995.000000 196.000000 307.000000 943.000000 ... 987.000000 859.000000 943.000000 885.000000 969.000000 820.000000 765.000000 981.000000 198.000000 989.000000

8 rows × 23 columns

Timeseries per state - version 1

make a dataframe for the DMS coordinates

{'Acre': ['9°1\'25.666"S', '70°48\'43.182"W'],
 'Alagoas': ['9°34\'16.702"S', '36°46\'55.024"W'],
 'Amapa': ['1°11\'4.999"N', '51°43\'47.327"W'],
 'Amazonas': ['3°25\'0.635"S', '65°51\'21.834"W'],
 'Bahia': ['12°34\'47.057"S', '41°42\'2.617"W'],
 'Ceara': ['5°29\'54.233"S', '39°19\'14.246"W'],
 'Distrito Federal': ['15°38\'16.494"S', '48°0\'54.216"W'],
 'Espirito Santo': ['19°11\'0.323"S', '40°18\'31.907"W'],
 'Goias': ['15°49\'37.333"S', '49°50\'10.406"W'],
 'Maranhao': ['4°48\'3.823"S', '45°22\'58.098"W'],
 'Mato Grosso': ['12°40\'29.73"S', '56°48\'47.596"W'],
 'Mato Grosso do Sul': ['20°46\'20"S', '54°47\'6.6"W"W'],
 'Minas Gerais': ['18°30\'43.841"S', '44°33\'18.112"W'],
 'Pará': ['1°59\'53.257"S', '54°55\'50.214"W'],
 'Paraiba': ['7°14\'23.86"S', '36°46\'55.024"W'],
 'Pernambuco': ['8°48\'49.381"S', '36°57\'14.785"W'],
 'Piau': ['21°30\'19.372"S', '43°18\'58.212"W'],
 'Rio de Janeiro': ['22°30\'31.504"S', '42°45\'41.53"W'],
 'Rio Grande do Norte': ['5°24\'9.3"S', '36°57\'14.8"W'],
 'Rio Grande do Sul': ['30°2\'4.7"S', '51°13\'3.7"W'],
 'Rondonia': ['11°30\'20.642"S', '63°34\'50.2"W'],
 'Roraima': ['2°44\'15.349"N', '62°4\'30.36"W'],
 'Santa Catarina': ['27°14\'32.4"S', '50°13\'7.9"W'],
 'Sao Paulo': ['23°33\'1.9"S', '46°37\'59.9"W'],
 'Sergipe': ['10°54\'40"S', '37°4\'18"W'],
 'Tocantins': ['21°10\'30"S', '43°1\'4.01"W']}
Lat Long
Acre 9°1'25.666"S 70°48'43.182"W
Alagoas 9°34'16.702"S 36°46'55.024"W
Amapa 1°11'4.999"N 51°43'47.327"W
Amazonas 3°25'0.635"S 65°51'21.834"W
Bahia 12°34'47.057"S 41°42'2.617"W

We have to convert the DMS coordinates to decimal coordinates.

dfObj['z'] = dfObj['z'].apply(np.square)


DMScoordinatesBrazil.loc[2, 'Area'] = 142828.50

Convert coordinates in DMS notation to decimal coordinates


Plotting the reporting states of Brazil with decimal coordinates

selecting and plotting only the states with forest fires based per year

I'll make a sum of the forest fires by state and by year, and insert this data in the geodataframes.

Time state
1998-01-15 Acre 0.0
Alagoas 0.0
Amapa 0.0
Amazonas 0.0
Bahia 0.0
... ... ...
2017-11-15 Roraima 327.0
Santa Catarina 152.0
Sao Paulo 37.0
Sergipe 1.0
Tocantins 434.0

5497 rows × 1 columns

The numbers are still too dense to visualize properly, so I started pulling out the data for each state separately. And then reconstruct it back together ´´statewise´´.
Later I fetched the unspoiled data from the Brazilian site directly.

GeoPandas maps

Localize the states by generating a map plot from a geopandas point geodataframe

  • The place to find some data about administrative boundaries of Brazil :
    • The CRS adopted in IBGE's shapefiles is SIRGAS 2000 (EPSG:4674).
    • converting to wgs1984
  • setting up a dataframe point and verify that it correctly interpretes the Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
  • Load the boundaries and the point data, and plot them to see the locations of the states and the boundaries pattern...
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

Bringing the size of the state area into the picture

The total area of Brazil is 8,515,767 km²

State Area
0 Brazil 8,515,767.00
1 Amazonas 1,559,159.10
2 Pará 1,247,954.70
3 Mato Grosso 903,366.20
4 Minas Gerais 586,522.10
5 Bahia 564,733.20
6 Mato Grosso do Sul 357,145.50
7 Goiás 340,111.80
8 Maranhão 331,937.40
9 Rio Grande do Sul 281,730.20
10 Tocantins 277,720.50
11 Piauí 251,577.70
12 São Paulo 248,222.80
13 Rondônia 237,590.50
14 Roraima 224,300.50
15 Paraná 199,307.90
16 Acre 164,123.00
17 Ceará 148,920.50
18 Amapá 142,828.50
19 Pernambuco 98,148.30
20 Santa Catarina 95,736.20
21 Paraíba 56,469.80
22 Rio Grande do Norte 52,811.00
23 Espírito Santo 46,095.60
24 Rio de Janeiro 43,780.20
25 Alagoas 27,778.50
26 Sergipe 21,915.10
27 Distrito Federal 5,780.00

Merging 2 dataframes column with area values to index value with the corresponding name of coordinates dataframe

Select only numbers from 2017, so we can compare the amount of fires to the area of the state in order to get an idea of the density of the forest fires.

Unnamed: 0 Lat Long Country Latitude Longitude Area Unnamed: 0.1 Ano Mês Número Year Month Day Month2 density densityMax geometry
Acre 0 9°1'25.666"S 70°48'43.182"W Brazil -9.023796 -70.811995 164123.0 1309.0 22187.0 66.0 7042 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.042906844257051116 46.068011 POINT (-70.811995 -9.023796111111112)
Alagoas 1 9°34'16.702"S 36°46'55.024"W Brazil -9.571306 -36.781951 27778.5 4207.0 24204.0 67.0 159 24204.0 67.0 180.0 67.0 0.005723851179869324 6.145557 POINT (-36.78195111111111 -9.571306111111113)
Amapá 2 1°11'4.999"N 51°43'47.327"W Brazil 1.184722 -51.729813 142828.5 6578.0 22187.0 66.0 1465 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.010257056539836237 11.012746 POINT (-51.72981305555556 1.184721944444445)
Amazonas 3 3°25'0.635"S 65°51'21.834"W Brazil -3.416843 -65.856065 1559159.1 9207.0 22187.0 66.0 14798 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.00949101345718984 10.190265 POINT (-65.856065 -3.416843055555556)
Bahia 4 12°34'47.057"S 41°42'2.617"W Brazil -12.579738 -41.700727 564733.2 11836.0 22187.0 66.0 8249 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.0146068975579973 15.683062 POINT (-41.70072694444445 -12.57973805555556)
Distrito Federal 5 15°38'16.494"S 48°0'54.216"W Brazil -15.637915 -48.015060 5780.0 17094.0 22187.0 66.0 410 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.07093425605536333 76.160346 POINT (-48.01506 -15.637915)
Espírito Santo 6 19°11'0.323"S 40°18'31.907"W Brazil -19.183423 -40.308863 46095.6 19723.0 22187.0 66.0 234 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.005076406424908234 5.450411 POINT (-40.30886305555556 -19.18342305555555)
Goiás 7 15°49'37.333"S 49°50'10.406"W Brazil -15.827037 -49.836224 340111.8 22352.0 22187.0 66.0 8705 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.025594525094395432 27.480205 POINT (-49.8362238888889 -15.82703694444444)
Maranhão 8 4°48'3.823"S 45°22'58.098"W Brazil -4.801062 -45.382805 331937.4 24981.0 22187.0 66.0 30916 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.09313804349856328 100.000000 POINT (-45.382805 -4.801061944444443)
Mato Grosso 9 12°40'29.73"S 56°48'47.596"W Brazil -12.674925 -56.813221 903366.2 27610.0 22187.0 66.0 43607 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.04827167542907849 51.828097 POINT (-56.8132211111111 -12.674925)
Mato Grosso do Sul 10 20°46'20"S 54°47'6.6"W"W Brazil -20.772222 -54.785167 357145.5 30239.0 22187.0 66.0 7336 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.020540647999204804 22.053983 POINT (-54.78516666666666 -20.77222222222223)
Minas Gerais 11 18°30'43.841"S 44°33'18.112"W Brazil -18.512178 -44.555031 586522.1 32868.0 22187.0 66.0 11473 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.019561070247821864 21.002234 POINT (-44.55503111111111 -18.51217805555556)
Pará 12 1°59'53.257"S 54°55'50.214"W Brazil -1.998127 -54.930615 1247954.7 35497.0 22187.0 66.0 59771 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.047895167989671424 51.423850 POINT (-54.930615 -1.998126944444444)
Paraná 13 25°15'53."S 52°05'50."W Brazil -25.252000 -52.022000 199307.9 40755.0 22187.0 66.0 4463 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.022392489208907424 24.042259 POINT (-52.022 -25.252)
Paraíba 14 7°14'23.86"S 36°46'55.024"W Brazil -7.239961 -36.781951 56469.8 38126.0 22187.0 66.0 294 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.00520632267158729 5.589899 POINT (-36.78195111111111 -7.239961111111111)
Pernambuco 15 8°48'49.381"S 36°57'14.785"W Brazil -8.813717 -36.954107 98148.3 43384.0 22187.0 66.0 522 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.0053184823374424215 5.710322 POINT (-36.95410694444445 -8.813716944444446)
Piauí 16 21°30'19.372"S 43°18'58.212"W Brazil -5.322220 -41.552502 251577.7 46013.0 22187.0 66.0 9478 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.03767424537230446 40.449900 POINT (-43.31617 -21.50538111111111)
Rio de Janeiro 17 22°30'31.504"S 42°45'41.53"W Brazil -22.508751 -42.761536 43780.2 48642.0 22187.0 66.0 1397 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.031909401967099287 34.260331 POINT (-42.76153611111111 -22.50875111111111)
Rio Grande do Norte 18 5°24'9.3"S 36°57'14.8"W Brazil -5.402583 -36.954111 52811.0 51271.0 22187.0 66.0 299 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.005661699267198121 6.078826 POINT (-36.95411111111111 -5.402583333333332)
Rio Grande do Sul 19 30°2'4.7"S 51°13'3.7"W Brazil -30.034639 -51.217694 281730.2 53900.0 22187.0 66.0 2575 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.009139950207680965 9.813337 POINT (-51.21769444444445 -30.03463888888889)
Rondônia 20 11°30'20.642"S 63°34'50.2"W Brazil -11.505734 -63.580611 237590.5 56529.0 22187.0 66.0 14084 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.059278464416717 63.645812 POINT (-63.58061111111112 -11.50573388888889)
Roraima 21 2°44'15.349"N 62°4'30.36"W Brazil 2.737597 -62.075100 224300.5 59158.0 22187.0 66.0 1101 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.0049085936054533985 5.270235 POINT (-62.07510000000001 2.737596944444444)
Santa Catarina 22 27°14'32.4"S 50°13'7.9"W Brazil -27.242333 -50.218861 95736.2 61787.0 22187.0 66.0 2354 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.024588400208071765 26.399954 POINT (-50.21886111111111 -27.24233333333333)
São Paulo 23 23°33'1.9"S 46°37'59.9"W Brazil -23.550528 -46.633306 248222.8 64416.0 22187.0 66.0 5406 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.021778821284749023 23.383379 POINT (-46.63330555555557 -23.55052777777777)
Sergipe 24 10°54'40"S 37°4'18"W Brazil -10.911111 -37.071667 21915.1 67045.0 22187.0 66.0 75 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.0034222978676802756 3.674436 POINT (-37.07166666666667 -10.91111111111111)
Tocantins 25 21°10'30"S 43°1'4.01"W Brazil -10.175280 -48.298247 277720.5 69674.0 22187.0 66.0 22317 22187.0 66.0 165.0 66.0 0.08035776977212701 86.278138 POINT (-48.2982474 -10.17528)
Ceará 26 5°29'54.233"S 39°19'14.246"W Brazil -5.498398 -39.320624 148920.5 NaN NaN NaN 2555 NaN NaN NaN NaN POINT(-39.320624 -5.498398) NaN NaN

The density of forest fires of each state compared to the state with maximum density in 2017.

Fire densities according to the Area of the state (km²)

Kde plot Latitude vs Longitude

Summary of a pivot table which splits up the fire numbers by year and by state

State of Tocantins, Brazil is located at latitude -10.17528 and longitude -48.2982474, 10°10'31'' S 48°17'53.7'' W. Ceara = -5.498398055555556,-39.3206238

Plot of the forest fire densities versus the state with the maximum density for 2017

Fetching the original data from the Brazilian site

The number of forest fires for the reported states over the period 1998 - 2017

The number of forest fires for all states together

The number of forest fires per state

I need to recombine the year and month columns to a datetime format

Forest Fires: yearly resample with mean and max.

fires firesmax
1998-12-31 382.348765 15406
1999-12-31 415.419753 18566
2000-12-31 313.358025 6251
2001-12-31 449.280864 9043
2002-12-31 727.753086 15664
2003-12-31 726.055556 15790
2004-12-31 834.518519 24994
2005-12-31 743.098765 20551
2006-12-31 422.500000 12661
2007-12-31 713.740741 25963
2008-12-31 380.398148 7965
2009-12-31 380.280864 10012
2010-12-31 769.364198 18366
2011-12-31 410.740741 7086
2012-12-31 598.120370 10395
2013-12-31 355.506173 5576
2014-12-31 566.851852 8555
2015-12-31 729.336420 11068
2016-12-31 581.157407 8980
2017-12-31 876.124161 25004

Forest Fires: monthly resample with mean, standard deviation and max.

Total number of forest fires per year.

Monthly numbers per year in period 1998 - 2007

Monthly numbers per year in period 2007 - 2017

Pivot table fire numbers each state vs. year

Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Acre 730 333 434 828 3491 6859 3160 9427 3589 3291 2808 2095 4684 1912 3180 3242 3829 5512 6993 7042
Alagoas 86 172 123 86 258 299 159 217 161 128 277 325 222 232 352 208 190 590 400 159
Amapá 278 101 253 1301 1957 1652 2261 1271 817 440 785 2127 721 1100 2103 975 1490 2653 2653 1465
Amazonas 946 1061 853 1297 2852 4789 3504 6780 4634 4187 2717 7915 8826 4188 7745 5118 9288 15170 12023 14798
Bahia 5907 3777 7008 8073 16966 17212 16039 16410 7589 20471 17600 8341 15512 13061 17378 7217 7819 18397 6751 8249
Ceará 2625 1688 2211 6344 6556 8312 7651 5896 3280 4329 4617 4567 3738 3773 4040 2898 2512 3420 4424 2555
Distrito Federal 103 46 48 64 149 96 279 92 76 274 115 92 505 273 173 101 251 172 242 410
Espírito Santo 218 240 175 130 297 708 174 121 215 382 251 216 225 326 352 250 347 1031 654 234
Goiás 6863 5003 3808 3927 7928 4921 7531 4764 2756 8203 3543 2682 11104 5677 6154 2979 6454 6861 5275 8705
Maranhão 14236 8711 8983 18839 21619 23382 22361 23745 11283 27093 11363 14376 28896 14955 31594 16189 25435 30137 21766 30916
Mato Grosso 34647 44312 26064 33049 55562 49617 77014 51650 27265 50418 20033 13094 46936 15973 26017 17768 28024 33007 29572 43607
Mato Grosso do Sul 2109 13012 3074 6078 12542 4130 6894 9396 3380 7747 3250 5801 5715 3607 7546 3565 2439 5309 6967 7336
Minas Gerais 4304 6231 4524 3734 11869 16247 10849 11259 5241 14036 8471 4420 12166 11683 10061 5308 12381 10625 6707 11473
Paraná 484 3259 2545 1269 4178 6980 4387 2612 2637 2057 1120 1986 1900 2443 1760 1903 2300 2187 4082 4463
Paraíba 332 178 259 804 732 1381 968 815 671 608 569 977 811 837 525 322 442 586 676 294
Pará 20282 20479 18207 28587 38804 32100 47823 40226 27368 36135 21684 29806 41066 17687 26915 20542 35948 45202 29410 59771
Pernambuco 767 463 691 1080 1909 2431 1683 1520 1268 1631 1189 1569 1660 1589 1089 729 660 1082 966 522
Piauí 6066 3452 4765 9482 10181 8936 9376 10201 5416 12664 4750 5811 17455 10515 14604 6555 9584 14730 8385 9478
Rio Grande do Norte 176 291 145 301 679 1262 661 829 521 463 378 628 536 401 395 268 353 439 401 299
Rio Grande do Sul 871 1492 384 249 1661 3041 2355 1130 1579 983 615 1783 990 1033 1249 944 2143 1450 3364 2575
Rio de Janeiro 102 356 121 307 605 553 421 338 401 621 224 367 911 1133 575 405 1428 664 774 1397
Rondônia 6917 7124 5498 5059 15524 20358 25166 24858 14858 14023 6710 4096 11873 4541 6421 3662 7604 14410 11724 14084
Roraima 21 220 362 2416 2224 2919 1457 860 1245 1863 1131 1687 1442 1082 1001 994 1868 2062 3499 1101
Santa Catarina 59 364 306 200 1715 4458 2955 1483 1855 1230 547 1330 974 926 1000 1046 1138 923 2346 2354
Sergipe 20 93 17 24 208 403 190 200 147 124 243 206 143 173 231 185 104 299 152 75
São Paulo 3196 5459 4128 2926 3539 3306 2864 2123 2209 1877 1193 1165 5194 3573 2159 2055 4717 1984 3235 5406
Tocantins 11536 6679 6542 9113 11787 8890 12202 12541 6429 15974 7066 5749 25069 10387 19172 9756 14912 17403 14854 22317

Heatmap of number of forest fires split up by year and state

Pivot table monthly numbers vs. state.

Estado Acre Alagoas Amapá Amazonas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão ... Piauí Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Sul Rio de Janeiro Rondônia Roraima Santa Catarina Sergipe São Paulo Tocantins
1998-01-15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1998-02-15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1998-03-15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1998-04-15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1998-05-15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2017-07-15 457 0 3 1975 300 26 44 3 577 2521 ... 643 4 885 70 1280 3 591 0 802 2397
2017-08-15 1493 1 33 6316 1018 121 147 30 1492 3875 ... 1572 21 819 164 4287 35 713 0 981 3536
2017-09-15 3429 4 95 4033 1791 505 122 58 3238 14825 ... 3422 48 343 728 5638 43 626 0 2868 10737
2017-10-15 1508 14 468 1581 4005 949 66 56 2401 6011 ... 3004 85 101 238 2190 156 51 0 179 2969
2017-11-15 98 10 858 552 174 812 0 3 117 2300 ... 449 89 137 43 372 327 152 1 37 434

239 rows × 27 columns

Timeseries per state 1998-2017 - version 2

Heatmap of number of forest fires split up by month and state

Types of protected area

Protected areas, also called conservation units, are divided into different categories according to their goals. These are defined by Law No. 9.985 of 18 July 2000, which established the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC).
Objectives include conservation of nature, sustainable development, scientific research, education and eco-tourism.
Fully protected units are expected to maintain the natural ecosystem without human interference.
Sustainable use units allow sustained use of renewable environmental resources while maintaining biodiversity and other ecological attributes.

The Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation, which administers Federal units, defines the classes of unit as:

Fully protected (proteção integral)

  • Ecological stations (Portuguese: Estações Ecológicas)
  • Biological reserves (Portuguese: Reservas Biológicas)
  • National parks (Portuguese: Parques nacionais), State parks (Portuguese: Parques estaduais) and Municipal nature parks (Portuguese: Parques naturais municipais)
  • Natural monuments (Portuguese: Monumentos Naturais)
  • Wildlife refuges (Portuguese: Refúgios de Vida Silvestre)

The sustainable use units are:

  • Environmental protection areas (Portuguese: Áreas de Proteção Ambiental)
  • Areas of relevant ecological interest (Portuguese: Áreas de Relevante Interesse Ecológico)
  • National forests (Portuguese: Florestas Nacionais) and State forests (Portuguese: Florestas Estaduais)
  • Extractive reserves (Portuguese: Reservas Extrativistas)
  • Wildlife reserves (Portuguese: Reservas de Fauna)
  • Sustainable development reserves (Portuguese: Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável)
  • Private natural heritage reserves (Portuguese: Reservas Particular do Patrimônio Natural)

In addition, some states designate areas as ecological reserve (Portuguese: Reserva Ecológica).